uopm cvumunicaDigital and print materials are both useful in the classroom

Schools around the world are finding that print and digital can work in harmony to make the most of each learning experience.

Online platforms offer tools helping students to learn more effectively in classrooms and lecture halls across the world. However, most commentators agree that both digital and print mediums have important roles to play in the classroom and at home. What are their respective merits? 

covid19Breaking the chain with hygienic protection equipment

There is no vaccine or cure for Covid-19, meaning people are buying large quantities of hand sanitizer, paper towels, sanitary wipes and facemasks to protect themselves against the pandemic. This is leading to dangerous shortages in critical areas.

The novel coronavirus that has caused the Covid-19 pandemic transmits from person-to-person through respiratory droplets. The virus is also stable for several hours, even days, on surfaces.

sectores forestal y de la biomasaGalicia marca el camino para considerar esenciales los sectores forestal y de la biomasa

“Es lo mismo que debería hacer el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico”. Tanto desde el Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes (COIM) como desde la Asociación Española de Empresas Productoras de Pélets de Madera (Apropellets) tienen claro que el ministerio debe emitir una nota similar a la de la Xunta de Galicia en el que se defina exactamente que la silvicultura y el suministro de biocombustibles sólidos son consideradas actividades esenciales durante el estado de alarma provocado por la COVID-19. Otras comunidades han publicado notas aclaratorias más ambiguas.

cma cgm vendioCMA-CGM vendió sus 8 terminales portuarias en Asia en U$S 815 milones

La propia empresa expresa que esta operación reduce sus deudas al tiempo que le dará mayor liquidez económica sobre todo en tiempos tan inciertos como los actuales debido al COVID-19.

Anunció la línea naviera CMA-CGM una de las cuatro o cinco grandes empresas navieras del mundo que escalan con sus barcos en Montevideo que acaba de concretar una importante operación consistente en la venta de varias terminales portuarias de su propiedad por la suma de 815 millones de dolares contado.

From the bottomFrom the bottom of a soaking pond to a commercial soil conditioner

UPM Plywood has developed a new organic soil conditioner that can be used to improve the growth conditions of arable land. This soil conditioner is made from bark waste, which is a side stream of plywood production.

The Finnish agriculture sector is currently in need of solutions for increasing the amount of organic material in arable land. Organic material consisting of microbes and plant and animal matter, improves the growth conditions of soil. However, a decrease in cattle farming, amongst other things, has caused a reduction in levels of organic material in soil.

¿Qué están haciendo las grandes economías para evitar la bancarrota de las empresas y la escasez de dinero (y hasta dónde pueden llegar)?

LONDRES (Uypress)- La pandemia del coronavirus ha desencadenado una crisis económica que crece como una avalancha, y la periodista Cecilia Barría, analiza, para BBC News Mundo, el comportamiento de las grandes economías para evitar la bancarrota y la escasez de dinero.
Con Europa convertido en el epicentro de la pandemia y Estados Unidos en emergencia nacional, los gobiernos están apretando el acelerador para limitar el devastador impacto económico de la propagación del coronavirus en las familias, los trabajadores y las empresas.

too hot to Too hot to handle - The rise in global forest fires

Russia, Indonesia, California and Australia– the list of forest fires of unprecedented size and force is growing. Why is this occurring and how should the world respond to combat this threat?

Australia has been burning like never before. The forest fire season typically peaks in January and February, but the fires that started in November last year have already killed over thirty people and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses in the states of Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. While record-breaking temperatures and a long-running drought had authorities monitoring the situation closely, nothing of this magnitude was expected.