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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1248
Clima seguirá siendo amenaza
Cumbre de Madrid finalizó sin acuerdo en reformas profundas contra el cambio climático.
La Cumbre del Clima (COP25) de Madrid terminó ayer con sabor “agridulce”. Fragmentada, la comunidad internacional se quedó muy lejos de mostrar la resolución que le exigen la ciencia y la sociedad civil, al lograr un acuerdo de mínimos frente a la urgencia climática.
Dos intensas semanas de negociaciones, con una prórroga récord de 42 horas, no permitieron reunir a los casi 200 países participantes en esta conferencia de la ONU en Madrid detrás de una posición fuerte, confirmando que el entusiasmo multilateralista con el que se suscribió el Acuerdo de París en 2015 apenas subsiste.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1388
Forests are now gaining attention in the EU
There is a growing debate in the EU on the role of forests in shifting towards a more sustainable future. EU forests officials are especially interested in the Nordic approach to sustainable forest management and the wood-based bioeconomy.
As we tackle the ongoing challenges of urbanisation, global population growth and climate change, forests are more relevant today than ever. From renewable biomaterials to mitigating climate change, forests offer solutions to many wicked problems, and expectations of what they can deliver have only increased.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1264
Reforestation – a hedge against climate change
The recent UN Climate Action Summit saw many countries bidding to cut greenhouse gases to net-zero by 2050. One way to achieve this objective is through reforestation – a move that holds significant environmental and economic benefits.
At the end of September, the world’s political, business and civil society leaders gathered at the UN headquarters in New York in order to prompt action on fighting climate change. During this Climate Action Summit, a number of initiatives, promises and goals were announced.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1169
Full speed ahead
In Uruguay the month of December is generally one of the busiest times in the year. Not just because of the approaching year end, but it’s also the last month before the summer holiday season. The last few months have also been very exciting for us – since the investment decision in July we have moved full speed ahead to start preparatory work for our new state-of-the-art pulp mill in Paso de los Toros. In addition to the new mill, this project includes building a pulp terminal at the Montevideo port as well as other related facilities, such as permanent and temporary apartments and houses for construction employees, and infrastructure.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1259
Time to call in the tree doctors
When her patients are showing symptoms of sickness or ill-health, Heli Viiri straps on her boots and heads into the forest. That’s because Viiri is a forest professional, who works tirelessly to take care of our forests, so they take care of us.
Trees may seem hardy, but like all living things, they are susceptible to mistreatment and malaise. From insect pests and fungal pathogens to invasive species and destructive mammals, tree damage can take various guises and has the ability to ravage natural forests and plantations. For example, Dutch elm disease has killed 60 million British elms in two epidemics, while pernicious pests are threatening to lay waste to 40% of all US forests.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1213
La industria papelera se compromete a alcanzar la neutralidad climática
En el marco de las actividades de la COP25, la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Pasta, Papel y Cartón (Aspapel) y la Confederación Europea de Industrias del Papel (Cepi) han presentado en el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, con la presencia de la ministra Reyes Maroto, la iniciativa Reinvest2050 de la industria papelera europea, que reúne 21 casos de inversión en innovación para la descarbonización del sector. Estos casos ejemplifican el compromiso del sector con la descarbonización para alcanzar la neutralidad climática.
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- Categoría: El mundo
- Visto: 1204
Yet another top employer award: UPM China succeeds in engaging employees
Our employees in China are proud of their working culture and UPMers especially talk about the way in which all employees are encouraged to grow.
Despite China’s highly competitive market for talent, a large percentage of our employees have chosen to spend the vast majority of their careers in the same place. More than 42% of employees have worked for UPM Changshu for more than 10 years, while more than 15% have been with us for 20 years, which is when the mill was first established.