sustentableMetsä Group renewed its strategic sustainability objectives

Simon Matthis 

Metsä Group has renewed its strategic sustainability objectives. These 2030 objectives extending to 2030 cover all Metsä Group operations and are also mirrored across the supply chain.

Metsä Group’s target is to increase the amount of carbon stored in forests and its products. The amount of carbon in forests will be increased through expanding the area covered by Metsä Group’s forest management services by 30 per cent compared to 2018. The amount of carbon stored in products will be increased also by 30 per cent through investing in products that store carbon for a long period of time. In addition, biodiversity will be safeguarded through increasing the volume of decayed wood in forests.

abeja corta hojas La biodiversidad está gravemente amenazada

La biodiversidad que sustenta nuestros sistemas alimentarios está desapareciendo, alerta un nuevo informe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).

El estudio advierte que, si se dejan perder por completo los animales, plantas y otros organismos que son cruciales para nuestro sistema alimentario, estos no podrán recuperarse, lo que pone en grave peligro el futuro de los alimentos y medios de subsistencia, así como la salud humana y el medio ambiente.

Valmet industriaValmet to acquire GL&V

Valmet has entered into an agreement to acquire North American-based GL&V, a global provider of technologies and services to the pulp and paper industry. The enterprise value of the acquisition is approximately Euro 113 million on a cash and debt free basis subject to ordinary post-closing adjustments. The acquisition is estimated to be completed at the earliest on April 1, 2019, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

GL&V supplies technologies, upgrades and optimization services, rebuilds, and spare parts for the pulp and paper industry globally. The acquired operations employ about 630 people of whom approximately 65% are in North America and the rest mainly in Europe, South America and India.

valmet pulp mill papnewsValmet to supply a new wood handling line to Metsä Group's Joutseno pulp mill

Simon Matthis

Valmet has received an order for a new wood handling line from Metsä Group's Joutseno pulp mill. The expansion works are starting this year and will be completed during spring 2020. Metsä Group's investment will make it possible to process larger amounts of fiber wood.

The order is included in Valmet's first quarter of 2019 orders received. The value of the order is around EUR 10-15 million.

bosque de madagascarEl ámbar no dice toda la verdad de los bosques prehistóricos

Aunque para los científicos las resinas fósiles (ámbar), capaces de conservar insectos atrapados en épocas remotas, son una ventana abierta para descubrir la biodiversidad del planeta hace millones de años, el estudio, que publica la revista “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)”, ha vertido ciertas dudas sobre su rigor. La investigación, además, ha concluido que las piezas de ámbar no pueden representar la complejidad de la comunidad de artrópodos de los bosques del pasado.

morre paulo brasilMorre Paulo Nogueira Neto, criador da política ambiental brasileira

Maurício Tuffani9
Morreu nesta segunda (25) aos 96 anos, de falência de múltiplos órgãos, o ambientalista Paulo Nogueira Neto primeira pessoa a ocupar o cargo de secretário especial de meio ambiente, posto equivalente hoje ao de ministro.

Toda a estrutura da política ambiental brasileira tem a impressão digital do biólogo paulistano. Professor de ecologia aposentado da USP, nascido em 18 de abril de 1922, Paulo Nogueira Neto foi o principal articulador não só da criação de grande parte das unidades de conservação federais em todo o Brasil, mas também das principais leis de proteção do meio ambiente do país.