fibdex3Wood-based FibDex® wound dressing can speed up healing and bring new convenience to patient care

New wound care dressing made from a sustainable, wood-based raw material is particularly suited to treating large wound areas.

FibDex® is a new wound care product created by UPM in collaboration with researchers from the University of Helsinki and surgeons and nursing staff from the Helsinki Burn Centre. FibDex is the third biomedical product based on renewable and responsible wood-based raw materials to be commercialised by UPM.

upm bf2 pulpPulp’s role in the bio-based future

Internationally acclaimed professor Olli Ikkala has spent a lifetime researching bioinspired functional materials and the last ten years exploring nanocelluloses, which have the potential to become a sustainable high-tech option to fossil-based materials.

Professor Olli Ikkala's extensive work within science has been full of surprises. He has never planned a path but instead followed his interests.

El 67% de empresarios españoles con presencia en Latinoamérica ven la economía de esa región con pesimismo

MADRID (Uypress) - Dos de cada tres empresarios españoles con presencia en América Latina ven con pesimismo la situación de la economía en dicha región, frente al 20% que cree que el entorno económico mundial afectará positivamente y el 13% que ve las cosas más o menos igual que en el ejercicio pasado.

Los datos fueron recogidos por un estudio de la escuela de negocios IE Business School presentado este miércoles en Madrid.

cdp upmCDP recognises UPM with an exceptional AAA leadership position for its environmental performance

The global non-profit, CDP, has recognised UPM as one of the only six Triple A List companies globally for its significant actions to mitigate climate risk, prevent deforestation and enhance water stewardship. UPM was featured on the A List for Climate, Forests and Water out of thousands who were evaluated in 2019.

“We are truly honoured to receive this recognition. A leadership position on the A List in all three dimensions of CDP shows that our ambitious 2030 responsibility targets and working towards them is seen globally significant,” says Sami Lundgren, Vice President, Responsibility, UPM.

CELULOSA87UPM dice que proyecto para nueva planta se desarrolla “según lo previsto”

La multinacional finlandesa UPM presento este jueves en Helsinki los resultados financieros correspondientes a 2019, que cerró con beneficios por € 1.073 millones, un  28% menos en la comparación interanual.

El presidente y CEO de la compañía Jussi Pesonen afirmó que fue un año clave en la transformación estratégica de la firma debido a la decisión de construir una nueva planta de celulosa en Uruguay. Ese paso supone “un cambio radical” en las ganancias futuras de UPM, así como en la escala del negocio de celulosa, dijo.

taimikko elokuu smallTop 5 ways scientists are trying to reverse climate change

Increasing amounts of atmospheric CO2 are threatening humanity’s existence on Earth, but scientists have a few tricks up their sleeves. From worldwide tree-planting to sucking CO2 from the air, meet some of the most innovative and effective ways to reverse climate change.

Humans have harnessed Earth’s resources to create the climate crisis, so we can do the same to resolve it. That’s the view of the Global Climate Restoration Forum, who met for the first time in New York last month and believe that humanity needs to sequester one trillion tonnes of CO2 by 2050 if it wants to extend its comfortable tenancy on Earth. The Forum discussed a strategy to achieve this target and ‘restore’ the climate to pre-industrial levels, which included these five existing and emerging carbon removal methods.

logoupm2El grupo forestal UPM ganó 1.073 millones de euros en 2019, un 28 % menos

Helsinki, 30 ene (.).- El grupo finlandés UPM (HE:UPM), una de las mayores compañías forestales y papeleras de Europa, obtuvo un beneficio neto de 1.073 millones de euros en 2019, lo que supone un descenso del 28 % respecto al ejercicio anterior, informó este jueves la empresa.

UPM redujo un 1 % su beneficio bruto de explotación (ebitda) en términos interanuales, hasta los 1.851 millones de euros, mientras que su ganancia operativa (ebit) se situó en 1.404 millones de euros, un 7,2 % menos que en 2018.